Neighbourhood Nature Nosey

Neighbourhood Nature Nosey 2018 is an umbrella project on iNaturalist NZ for Conservation Week 2018, Sep 15–Sep 23, 2018. We've set it up so that NZ regions can compete to see which is the nosiest for nature. Help get your region to the top of the leaderboard!

Find as many species as you can during New Zealand's Conservation Week 2018!

How many wild species can you find? Which species are native? Can you find something rare or unusual? Make observations with the free iNaturalist app and find out!

Join in and make your region the top region for 2018!

For the duration of Conservation Week 2018 we, at iNaturalist NZ, are running a kind of neighbourhood Bioblitz. This runs from midnight on Saturday, 15th through to midnight on Sunday 23rd September. Find and record as many plants, animals and fungi in and around your yard and street or block as you can and iNaturalist NZ will identify them.

We are aggregating this information regionally so we can build a picture of the diversity around the country in the places people live, work and play. Each day we'll prompt you to look in particular habitats around your home and neighbourhood, and to leave no log or stone unturned in search for creatures large and small. We are especially interested in learning what is wild, and what is not, and what is native and what is not. Please make sure you tick the captive/cultivated box if your observation is planted or domesticated.

Join this project to get the prompts we'll send out over the next 9 days to remind you to view the natural world through various lenses to build an amazing inventory of all the species that live around you. You don’t need to do these observations on the days of the prompts, but it is just to remind you to cover off all the habitats during the course of the week.

Please note down the habitat of your species (e.g, lawn, vegetable garden, house wall, under log) in your observations’ Descriptions. Check each day for birds (you can still record them even if you can’t get a picture), and don’t forget the creepy crawlies and moulds.

If you are concerned about revealing your exact locations then you can choose to iNaturalist's “obscured” geoprivacy option to publicly obscure your location to 10 km.

Posted on September 21, 2018 07:51 PM by jon_sullivan jon_sullivan


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