Spotted and photographed at least 8 different individual grass skinks, including my very special friend
Found on Ōtaki Beach, need help identifying creature
Two (maybe more) popokātea accompanied by a piwakawaka on the No. 1 Line track.
I ca not take responsility for the mounting of this tree fish, but it must have been relatively recent as it had its own unique aroma...
This is the 2nd one we have seen in the last 4 years
Australasian Bittern, flying from waikanae estuary northward. First sighting of a bittern at waikanae estuary for the last 3 years!
Not quite as blue as the photo suggests. Shell roughly 1cm in diameter
NOT MY IMAGES - Taken by Geoff de Lisle and Dallas Bishop and used with their permission.
During my botanical survey on Kapiti I noted karearea along the northern coast and at Rangatira - six pairs.
During my stay at Rangatira I witnessed them drive off kahu (Circus approximans) and kill one kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae).
Gravid female, one of at least three such skinks in a 2 metre radius of each other
One of two fledgling riroriro being fed by adults in beech forest on river bank.
Just below Field Peak and between Mt Hector.
The Hoherius are still out and about in good numbers on the dying Hoheria. I didn't check thoroughly, but counted 8 males in just a minute or two. (Females and small males without the huge, white head are much harder to spot until they move.)
Note the truncated right antenna on the male; I'm guessing he probably lost it in a fight with another male.
One gecko under rock on outcrop.
One sitting alone by the edge of the lagoon. Large (70+?) population in the surrounding area.