Lesser Yellowlegs (Petit Chevalier)

Tringa flavipes

Summary 6

The Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) is a medium-sized shorebird similar in appearance to the larger Greater Yellowlegs. It is not closely related to this bird, however, but instead to the much larger and quite dissimilar Willet; merely the fine, clear and dense pattern of the neck shown in breeding plumage indicates these species' actual relationships.

Tringa flavipes 7

A medium-sized (10-11 inches) sandpiper, the Lesser Yellowlegs in summer is most easily identified by its mottled gray back and wings, pale breast, long straight bill, and characteristic bright yellow legs. In winter, this species becomes slightly duller-plumaged overall. This species may be separated from the related Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca) by that species’ much larger size and from the winter Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) by that species’ plainer plumage and greenish legs. Male and female Lesser Yellowlegs are similar to one another in all seasons. The Lesser Yellowlegs breeds in Alaska and the western Canadian arctic east to the Hudson Bay. This species is a long-distance migrant, wintering from coastal California and the coastal southeastern U.S.south to southern South America. Lesser Yellowlegs migrate through the Caribbean, along both coasts of North America, and in the interior of the continent. Lesser Yellowlegs primarily breed in freshwater marshes surrounded by northern evergreen forests. In winter and on migration, this species may be found in a number of wetland habitats, including freshwater or saltwater marshes, flooded grasslands, and estuaries. Lesser Yellowlegs mainly eat small invertebrates, including insects, aquatic worms, and mollusks. Due to its remote breeding habitat, most birdwatchers never see Lesser Yellowlegs during the summer. On migration or during the winter, this species may be seen probing the mud for food with its bill while wading in shallow water. Lesser Yellowlegs are primarily active during the day.

Threat Status: Least concern

Status 8

Status : M, Ne(1990,2002)

Date d'arrivée record: 2/04/1986 (Compton)
Date de départ record: 2/12/1987 (Longueuil)

Mentions rares d'hivernage et de nidification
N: 1990
N: Brissay (nid avec 2 oeufs, 2/07/2002)

Sources and Credits

  1. Dewhurst, Donna, no known copyright restrictions (public domain), https://www.biolib.cz/IMG/GAL/20713.jpg
  2. (c) Caleb Slemmons, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), http://tolweb.org/tree/ToLimages/lesseryellowlegs160302.jpg
  3. (c) Stephen Durrenberger, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5304/5647624610_ceb5e944ab.jpg
  4. (c) Cláudio Dias Timm, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5294/5497260276_9c2f7dbfa5.jpg
  5. (c) Pablo Caceres Contreras, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND), http://www.flickr.com/photos/67677583@N00/2491426102
  6. Adapted by Roger Simard from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tringa_flavipes
  7. Adapted by Roger Simard from a work by (c) Unknown, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), http://eol.org/data_objects/22710214
  8. (c) Roger Simard, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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