Sneaky Immigrants Trying to Settle Under Willy Wattle

I have declared War on Willy Wattle which probably will take as long as the allies did to win WWII to be able to get rid of it all as there are a few acres of the stuff. On days without wind, and when the tides are wrong, out comes the chainsaw and a few get dropped, chopped and shredded. On windy days if the tides are wrong then I go lopping the smaller ones and overhanging branches.

On the 29th Aug 2016 I decided to go lop in an area that I had not yet explored but had thin wattles in between kanuka, which of course I do not lop as I am trying to encourage the native / endemic bush to regenerate. The area I went into is only about 7m x 4m.

Sheez! In there I found 1 Bazil Bushy Needlebrush that is no longer, 2 different types of bottlebrush that have now been confirmed as such and are therefore coming out next windy bad tide day but the shock was finding at least 12 large Peter Pampas in that area. That stuff is hard to get rid of - I have been working on getting rid of 5 of them for the past 4 years but they still keep on coming back up. So to start off that will be a slash job, to at least get it down before it all sets seed. I think the middle names for Peter Pampas is Persistant Problem

Mind you, I suppose I should not be surprised that Willy Wattle also has allies so I guess I shall just have to call in some of my own over the next few years :)

Posted on August 30, 2016 07:07 AM by tangatawhenua tangatawhenua


Photos / Sounds


Crimson Bottlebrush (Melaleuca citrina)




August 2016




Not a happy lopper. Went into an area that I have not wandered into before to lop wattle and came across these little invaders. Need confirmation that they are what I think they are before I start to erradicate them :)

I'm thinking this is a bottle brush of some kind. Don't care if can only get to genus level as I just need to know it it not native / endemci they it is coming out! Only found 2 in this area so will be be a big job to erradicate :)

Photos / Sounds


Common Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana)




August 2016




Not a happy lopper. Went into an area that I have not wandered into before to lop wattle and came across these little invaders. Need confirmation that they are what I think they are before I start to erradicate them :)

Hoping this is not pamaps but toetoe as there are about 12 of these in this area which is alot of slashing.

Photos / Sounds




August 2016




Not a happy lopper. Went into an area that I have not wandered into before to lop wattle and came across these little invaders. Need confirmation that they are what I think they are before I start to erradicate them :)

I'm thinking this is a bottle brush of some kind. Don't care if can only get to genus level as I just need to know it it not native / endemci they it is coming out! Only found 2 in this area so will be be a big job to erradicate :)

Photos / Sounds


Prickly Hakea (Hakea sericea)




August 2016




Not a happy lopper. Went into an area that I have not wandered into before to lop wattle and came across these little invaders.

Nasty bushy needlebush, but at least it is the only one in this area and already lopped out.


Haha! Fortunately we don't have any Willy Wattles here. The only wattles are on our rooster, Charlie. The nasty weeds that are most problematical are Kikuyu, Iris pseudacorus (Yellow Flag Iris), Convulvulus, Madeira Vine and a range of annoying farm-type perennials.

Posted by heni about 8 years ago

LOL - We also have a bit of Kiki Kikuyu but not the others - thank goodness! Hmm maybe we do and I have not found them yet ...

Posted by tangatawhenua about 8 years ago

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