October 16, 2021

Younghun Song, 260961905, Jiayi, Fungi

I am going to do some research on Turkey-Tail because it looks most interesting to me. This Turkey-Tail mushroom is widely known for usage of medicine, enhancing the immune system. By consuming this mushroom, we can ingest myriads of antioxidants which lowers the oxidative stress by balancing out unstable molecules. As a result, we can lower the chance of getting inflammation and cellular damage. Also, it contains a lot of polysaccharopeptides which boosts up the immune system. Indeed, it is known to suppress certain tumors and used for cancer treatment. After researching about Turkey-Tail mushroom, I was impressed with the diversity of fungi that it can be both beneficial and harmful to humans in various ways.

Kubala, J. (2018, November 6). 5 immune-boosting benefits of Turkey tail mushroom. Healthline. Retrieved October 16, 2021, from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/turkey-tail-mushroom#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3.

Posted on October 16, 2021 08:31 PM by younghun_song younghun_song | 1 observation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

September 23, 2021

Younghun Song, 260961905, Jiayi, Flowering Plants

One of the common adaptation would be their green colour. To increase their survival rate, they are mostly composed of green leaves and stem in order to camouflage, blend in with its surrounding. Also, to increase the effectiveness of photosynthesis, they all have green colour. Also, another common adaptation would be phototropism which is not a physical adaption but a behaviour adaptation. I noticed that their leaves and flowers are facing the light source, sun. It is to get large amount of light to process a photosynthesis and produce lots of energy. The unique adaptation would be the shape of Autumn Hawkbit's seed.
Autumn Hawkbit's seed disperse by wind blow. Therefore, it's seed is very light and narrowly cylindric to spindle-shape so that the feathery hairs can fly better with wind.

Posted on September 23, 2021 02:01 AM by younghun_song younghun_song | 0 comments | Leave a comment
