Glandularia (Mock Vervain) Species of Texas

Glandularia is a genus within the family Verbenaceae, and although native to the Americas, has been introduced in Europe and Africa. Although it seems that the generic complex of Glandularia has a storied history wrought with taxonomic disagreement, as far as I can tell there are nine species of the genus that occur in Texas. In general, it seems that differentiating many members of the genera Glandularia and Verbena can be difficult in the field for a layman. Additionally, it seems that hybridization between species and between these two genera is not uncommon. However, in Texas the two genera might be differentiated in that Glandularia tends to exhibit a round-topped cluster of flowers, whilee Texas species of Verbena do not tend to exhibit this type of inflorescence.

Species that occur in Texas and notes about their distribution in the state:

Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida (Prairie Verbena, Dakota Mock Vervain) (common across most of the state, except east Texas and most of the Trans-Pecos)
Glandularia pubera (Davis Mountains Mock Vervain, formerly G. b. var. ciliata) (uncommon in panhandle and south Texas, but found across the Trans-Pecos)
Glandularia canadensis (Rose Mock Vervain) (mostly confined to east Texas)
Glandularia gooddingii (Southwestern Mock Vervain) (seemingly very rare in Texas, few possible occurences in central and far south Texas)
Glandularia polyantha (Rio Grande Mock Vervain) (seemingly rare, occurs in Texas only in the Rio Grande Valley)
Glandularia pumila (Dwarf Vervain) (occurs across most of the state except far north panhandle, far west Texas, and east Texas)
Glandularia quandrangulata (Beaked Mock Vervain, synonymous with G. pulchella) (mostly occurs south of I-10 and west of I-37)
Glandularia tumidula (Plains Mock Vervain) (Seemingly rare in Texas, occurs in Val Verde, Uvalde, and Bandera counties)
Glandularia delticola (Moradia) (seemingly rare in Texas, found only in Hidalgo and Cameron Counties in the Rio Grande Valley)


Texas Species of Glandularia (Verbenaceae), B.L. Turner, 1998, UT Austin

Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center NPIN

USDA Plants Database

Posted on May 31, 2018 03:41 PM by mattgeo1990 mattgeo1990


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