iNat Observation Tour Suburban Beijing?

We have some decent iNaturalist population in Beijing, among which many seems to be frequent hikers of Yangtaishan/Xiangshan hills. Is it possible for us to hold a short tour in a team?

Posted on May 18, 2023 02:52 AM by koubai koubai


Interesting, I'm happy to join. But I'm too busy these days so that depends on time. Best wishes for your tour if I failed to join.

Posted by ttimmy over 1 year ago

It won't be soon. Actually I've broken my leg and cracked one of my bones (fibula fracture) 2 months ago and still in my recovery...

Posted by koubai over 1 year ago

Maybe @Jane_Charlen will be available...

Posted by koubai over 1 year ago

Maybe I will be available in June… after my thesis defense @ttimmy

Posted by jane_charlen over 1 year ago

Cool! I will think about this.

Posted by shuangqi over 1 year ago


Posted by koubai over 1 year ago

已经热得没有任何在平原地区活动的欲望了 _ (:P)∠) _

Posted by shuangqi over 1 year ago


Posted by koubai over 1 year ago


Posted by shuangqi over 1 year ago

等我脚再好一些,或者@jane_charlen 老师牵头组个团?

Posted by koubai over 1 year ago

@shuangqi 这周六晚上呢?我们还是开车上,@jane_charlen 天亮后会走下山,我开车回去。

Posted by koubai over 1 year ago

我接下来九天出野外,实在不巧…… ORZ

Posted by shuangqi over 1 year ago


Posted by ttimmy over 1 year ago


Posted by koubai over 1 year ago

@ttimmy 现在军训还在怀柔吗

Posted by koubai over 1 year ago


Posted by ttimmy over 1 year ago


Posted by koubai over 1 year ago


Posted by jane_charlen over 1 year ago


Posted by koubai about 1 year ago

(在北京待一段时间,大佬们出去玩可以带我 qwq

Posted by wsyxbcl about 1 year ago

成功完成第一次旅行:大海坨。参加者:我,@jane_charlen @wsyxbcl 及另外两位小伙伴:)

Posted by koubai 12 months ago


Posted by koubai 11 months ago

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