Berry Springs Preserve Herps of Texas report, 15Apr2017

Twelve people participated in the monthly amphibian monitoring at Berry Springs Preserve and were rewarded with five species (with photos and/or recordings) in the nearby slough and main pond: American Bullfrog (CI = 1), Rio Grande Leopard Frog (CI = 2), Blanchard's Cricket Frog (CI = 3), Gulf Coast Toad (CI = 3), and Green Treefrog (CI = 2). Many thanks to Hunter for providing the photo of the bullfrog.
A possible new species (no photos or recordings, though) may have also been observed at the wet weather pond north of the improved campground: Upland Chorus Frog (CI = 1). We heard the distinct "thumb running up the teeth of a comb" call just once. There was just a little bit of water in the depression, and it was surrounded by low vegetation and grass. They mostly call during the winter months (like the Strecker's Chorus Frog), so we probably won't heard them next month. More study required !
At least one adult and five juvenile mammals (river otters ?, beavers ?, nutria ?) were seen at sunset in the water where the nearby slough enters the main pond. We also saw newly-arrived Scissor-tailed Flycatchers, a Red-tailed Hawk, two Yellow-crowned Night Herons, and bats before sunset, heard a newly-arrived Summer Tanager before sunset, heard a Barred Owl after sunset, and saw a scorpion at the lower pavilion after sunset.
The monitoring period was 20:00 - 21:45.
Participants were Kathy, Lori (welcome !), April (welcome !), Jim, Hunter, Amy & Mike, Marc, Larry & Levi, Sue, and Heike.
Environmental Conditions at the main pond at sunset:

  • Air temperature = 73.0 deg F
  • Water temperature = 72.0 deg F
  • Sky = No/few clouds
  • Water level = Average
  • Relative humidity at sunset = 58 %
Posted on April 16, 2017 08:19 PM by k_mccormack k_mccormack


Photos / Sounds


American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus)




April 15, 2017 08:18 PM CDT


Observed during monthly amphibian monitoring. Recording of individual in slough (Gulf Coast Toad called once at the beginning); photo by Hunter Yarbrough of individual in main pond.

Photos / Sounds


Gulf Coast Toad (Incilius nebulifer)




April 15, 2017 08:21 PM CDT


Observed during monthly amphibian monitoring. Call Index was a 1 in the recording, but they got up to a 3 later in the evening.

Photos / Sounds


Rio Grande Leopard Frog (Lithobates berlandieri)




April 15, 2017 08:35 PM CDT


Observed during monthly amphibian monitoring. Gulf Coast Toads heard in the background of the recordings, and Barred Owl heard in -204315 recording at 0:31 and 1:31.

Photos / Sounds


Blanchard's Cricket Frog (Acris blanchardi)




April 15, 2017 08:35 PM CDT


Observed during monthly amphibian monitoring. Gulf Coast Toads heard in the background of the recordings, and Barred Owl heard in -204315 recording at 0:31 and 1:31.

Photos / Sounds


Green Treefrog (Hyla cinerea)




April 15, 2017 08:47 PM CDT


Observed during monthly amphibian monitoring. Were also calling from the slough and creek.


I asked Susan (park manager) about the mammals in the pond, and she said:
"If we had beavers or nutria I would probably have some evidence like damming or small trees chewed down or weeds cut. My bet is river otters because we don't find any damage when they are in the pond. They just like to swim and play."
How cool is that !!

Posted by k_mccormack over 7 years ago

My observations from the monitoring can be found at: (Blanchard's Cricket Frog) 5883694, (Rio Grande Leopard Frog) 5883668, (American Bullfrog) 5883519, (Gulf Coast Toad) 5883398, and (Green Tree Frog) 5768312 . In addition the birds mentioned by Kathy M, we also observed a Great Blue Heron just before sunset.

Posted by alflinn329 over 7 years ago

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