Sections of the Land at Heritage Park

To help in getting around the park, the following sections have been established:

  1. Heritage Park Garden: the intentional gardening areas located near the main entrance. It consists of several sub-sections:
    1.1 Circle: the roundabout garden area.
    1.2 Food Forest: the garden area located on the north side of the Grant St. access drive, which is focused on being an edible landscape.
    1.3 Rain Garden: the stormwater management garden area located on the south side of the Grant St. access drive, from the power generator to the oak canopy upland.
    1.4 Shade Garden: the oak canopy garden area located on the south side of the Grant St. access drive.

  2. Burr St Border: the border abutting the single-family homes located on Burr Street. This border is a City of Melbourne-designated enhanced landscape area. It is divided into two sub-sections, Lower (the front, easterly half), and Upper (the back, westerly half).
  3. Chapel Border: the border abutting Scott Chapel United Methodist Church on the east side of the property. It runs north-south from Jackson Street to the Heritage Park Garden area.
  4. Jackson St Border: the border running east-west along Jackson St. It includes the Jackson St entrance and public right of way.
  5. Building: the landscaped areas located around the residential building. It is divided into two sub-sections, Front and Back.
  6. Wetland Preserve: the existing wetland forest located on-site. The boundary is delineated by a two foot wooden wildlife fence.
  7. Field: the back field, which is similar to a meadow or wet-dry prairie. The western perimeter of the property, which is at a higher elevation and well-drained, is organized as a sub-section called "Ridge". The Field also includes the Pond as a sub-section.
Posted on December 13, 2021 02:46 AM by kpdonald kpdonald


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