Journal archives for June 2018

June 3, 2018

New species

For the past couple months this project has been operating, the contributions have always been of the species E. arvense or E. telmateia , however there is no reason that must be the case. With that being said I would like to recognize @selaginel_la for contributing the first observation in this project that breaks this pattern. The Wood horsetail observation can be viewed here: .

I encourage you all to contribute more of your or other’s horsetail observations, regardless of species! The main goal is to have a standardized annotation system that can be queried in iNat, for all locations and relevant species. Keep up the great work and have fun learning and observing!

Posted on June 3, 2018 08:32 PM by space_coyote space_coyote | 0 comments | Leave a comment
