Matthew Wong - Bioblitz Journal Entry

European earwigs (also known as forficula auricularia) are common in North America and using by OneZoom, it can be determined that they are found in the the arthropoda phylum, its class is the Insecta Class, in the Dermaptera Order. Going further into its scientific classification, European earwigs are in the foriculidae family, its genus being forficula (which is part of its binomial name). After doing some reasearch, it can be determined that there are no specific adaptations that all of my obersved species display in my group project. This is most likely due to the fact that the species recorded are very unique and diverse, making their needs quite different from eachother, thus having very diverse adaptations as a result. When looking at one unique adaptation for one of my observations, European earwigs have a very interesting reproductive adaptation that allows them to survive in the harsh winters in Canada. European earwigs in North America comprise of two sibling species, which are reproductively isolated. Populations in cold continental climates (most of Canada) mostly have one clutch per year, forming species A, whereas those in warmer climates have two clutches per year, forming species B (Southern United States).

Posted on September 18, 2021 06:31 PM by matthew-wong matthew-wong


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