Arboreal Salamander

Aneides lugubris

Notes 5

Sometimes found under stuff, particularly in the winter. Up to seven inches long, and grey/brown/pink with small bright yellow spots.

The juveniles are blackish-brown with beautiful sky-blue speckles.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Craig Howell, some rights reserved (CC BY),
  2. (c) iglooo101, some rights reserved (CC BY),
  3. (c) TJ Gehling, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND),
  4. (c) Tony Iwane, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Tony Iwane
  5. (c) sea-kangaroo, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

More Info

iNaturalist NZ Map

Color blue, brown, grey, pink, yellow
Status native