California Ground Squirrel

Otospermophilus beecheyi

Notes 2

Not in suburban lawns, but in pretty much any bit of spare land towards the bay or hills-- baylands parks, salt pond berms, railway and airport land, next to walking or biking trails, etc. These graze and live in burrows but will climb fences or short trees to escape or sun themselves (the fences around the Stanford Dish are often covered in ground squirrels, for example). Tell them apart from tree squirrels by:

1) Fur pattern-- pale "cape" on the shoulders/neck, and pale spots all over the body (sometimes very faint)
2) Brown torso fur instead of grey
3) A shorter, less fluffy tail that's usually held flat out behind them
4) A stubbier, more guinea pig-like build
5) Running instead of bounding
6) Going in burrows!
7) Grazing/browsing (like prairie dogs do)

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Howard Cheng, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  2. (c) sea-kangaroo, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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iNaturalist NZ Map

Status native
Color brown, grey, white, yellow