American Black Bear

Ursus americanus

American Black Bear 2


The Black Bear can be identified by the size and its color. It has black fur, larger ears, no hump on the back of its neck, and it has a straight face. The length of its body is 4-7 feet from nose to tip of tail. Males weigh an average of 150-300 lbs and the females are smaller than the average male. The average lifespan is around 10 years.

The Black bear is a consumer, because it eats another organism to get its energy. The American Black Bear is omnivorous, eating plants, fruits, insects, honey, salmon, and small animals. Also they occasionally kill young deer and moose. Also the black bears hibernate in the winter months.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) 115697617632790864957, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), uploaded by 115697617632790864957,
  2. Adapted by redsquirrel4321 from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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