Up to 90mm long. The usual chiton skirt/girdle is expanded into tough skin that entirely covers the eight plates of its shell. Most plates have a tuft on either side of the crest, the front plate has four tufts. A wide variety of colours from simple bright orange to brown, green or black to mottled/flame patterns of two colours. The hidden plates may be light blue or sometimes pink or orange, each looking like a small butterfly. The underside of the foot is orange.
Found from intertidal down to about 30m deep. North Island, South Island, Stewart Island and Chatham Islands.
Chiton leachi (Blainville, 1825)
Chiton monticularis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1835)
Chiton porosus (Blainville MS, Burrow, 1815) (original combination)
Cryptoconchus stewartianus (Rochebrune, 1882)
Cryptoplax depressus (Blainville, 1818)
New Zealand Mollusca, Marine Land and Freshwater Shells, A W B Powell, 1979
Manual of the New Zealand Mollusca. Henry Suter, 1913
Depth | intertidal, offshore |
Places | Chatham Islands, North Island, South Island, Stewart Island |