Podocarpus celatus

Summary 1

Podocarpus celatus is a species of conifer in the Podocarpaceae family. It is found in Bolivia, Peru, and Venezuela.

Location 2

Bolivia: Potosí; Brazil: Goiás, Mato Grosso; Colombia; Ecuador; Peru: Amazonas, Junin, Loreto, Montaña, Puno; and Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Tachira.

Description 2

Coniferous tree 25-30m tall, trunk 60cm. Bark thin, fibrous, exfoliating in small strips and flakes, reddish brown to weathering grey. Branches spare, forming an open, spreading crown. Foliage branchlets are slender. Terminal vegetative buds conical with short triangular scale 4-6mm long and 3mm wide. Leaves on saplings and juvenile trees much larger than on mature trees. Juvenile 12-18cm long. Mature 4-5-7.5cm. Seed cones axillary, solitary. Slightly swollen and red when mature. Seeds, finely pitted, brown seed coat

Habitat Type 2

Tropical evergreen forests. Its altitudinal range is 350m to 1,4000m

Sources and Credits

  1. Adapted by consci2014 from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podocarpus_celatus
  2. (c) consci2014, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Range Map

iNaturalist NZ Map

Family Podocarpaceae