Sierra Nevada Phacelia subsection Humiles Key

After carefully going through all of the annual Phacelias of the Sierra Nevada, I figured it would be nice to have a key available since it seems that almost no one has thoroughly gone through all of the observations and sorted out what's what. I did my best to try to make it as clear as possible and cover all exceptions. If you have any feedback, please let me know—this is likely a work in progress. I hope you find this useful!

Here is an (almost) all inclusive dichotomous key for Phacelia subsect. Humiles in the Sierra Nevada and surrounding regions. I tried to add it directly to this journal post, but it wouldn't format it correctly and you couldn't see any of the fun colors I added :(
(Feel free to comment any suggestions)

Posted on June 4, 2024 05:48 AM by aaronddhh aaronddhh


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