National Moth Week Event July 30

Hey everyone! I just wanted to gauge interest on having a mothing/blacklighting event at the Lhoist Clifton limestone quarry where I run a biodiversity program. We are just south of Clifton, TX off of Hwy 6 and down FM 2602.
Project link
Habitat types are upland prairie, limestone escarpments, wooded canyons, and shallow wetlands. There is a good place for parking and setting up lights along a gravel road. There are a couple of outlets, but no restrooms and nowhere to stay the night.

Set for July 30th!!

We'll meet at 5pm and stay till whenever.


Posted on June 29, 2023 09:28 PM by bosqueaaron bosqueaaron


Sounds fun! --Too bad I'm in FL ;) You may want to tag some local iNatters so that they can see the post.

Posted by gatorhawk about 1 year ago

@gatorhawk beat me to it ;)

Posted by bosqueaaron about 1 year ago

I'd be interested, but unfortunately Jul 26 would be the soonest date I could make. Definitely don't plan around me. Looks like a very interesting place!

Posted by jcochran706 about 1 year ago

Does look interesting, but coming a distance with no overnight option makes it less desirable than other options. I have plans to do some spotlighting and day time hunting in some old growth forest bottoms in the Post Oak Savanah in Milam County, and also should revisit another ranch in Burleson County with a large lake with a beach crawling with multiple Pardosa species. Both are near enough to do the spotlighting before dawn without needing to stay overnight. I'd also like to do some more looking in the Junction area.

Posted by eaneubauer about 1 year ago

This sounds as a lot of fun. I would love to join you, especially if you can fit it in between the DFW events.

Posted by annikaml about 1 year ago

I can come on any weekend night that isn't a DFW event! Let me know. =)

Posted by k8thegr8 about 1 year ago

I will be gone July 7-23. Please let me know when lighting is scheduled. I'll bring all my gear.

Posted by jeff_back about 1 year ago

I will need to pass on this one.

Posted by bacchusrock about 1 year ago

@k8thegr8 does that include Sunday night? Specifically the 30th?

Posted by bosqueaaron about 1 year ago

Rock Quarries and Moths?? Youre speaking my language brother! Ill do everything I can to be there!

Posted by dillon_kyle about 1 year ago

I'm already committed on my available days (which were only 2 to begin with). :( Keep trying... I'm still interested in coming that way for an event!

Posted by kimberlietx about 1 year ago

Thanks, but I plan to stay local that week. Sounds like another great opportunity I will miss.

Posted by connlindajo about 1 year ago

We can both attend on Monday through Friday of that week. We don't have any of the setup, however we could improvise. Whatever evening works best for the group.

Posted by centex about 1 year ago

I can make the 30th. I work late on Monday. =)

Posted by k8thegr8 about 1 year ago

I can also make it on the 30th!

Posted by wildcarrot about 1 year ago

I believe we can make the 30th also. Thanks

Posted by centex about 1 year ago

Keep me in the loop! I may change my plans.

Posted by connlindajo about 1 year ago

30th works for me too!

Posted by dillon_kyle about 1 year ago

30th is working for me too!

Posted by annikaml about 1 year ago

OK! So the 30th sound good. I'm in talks with our mine safety manager now to see if there's anything special we'll have to do.

Posted by bosqueaaron about 1 year ago
Posted by annikaml about 1 year ago

Looks like we're good to go! What time does everyone think they can be here? We'll need to watch a site specific safety video (about 15 min) before getting started and they ask that we wear our best snakebite-proof footwear.
If everyone could be here by 5:00pm that would be plenty of time to watch the vid and see some of the quarry before having to set up for the night.

Posted by bosqueaaron about 1 year ago

5 o'clock is fine with me.

Posted by annikaml about 1 year ago

We are good for 5:00.

Posted by centex about 1 year ago

Looking forward to it!

Posted by dillon_kyle about 1 year ago


Posted by annikaml about 1 year ago
Posted by dillon_kyle about 1 year ago


Posted by k8thegr8 about 1 year ago

I'm in! Thanks!

Posted by cameralenswrangler about 1 year ago

Looking forward to seeing everyone! Directions and more info can be found here:

Posted by bosqueaaron about 1 year ago

Just out of curiosity, who plans on bringing a light setup?

Posted by bosqueaaron about 1 year ago

I'm bringing two light setups.

Posted by annikaml about 1 year ago

I have two UV that run without plugs, one mercury/metal halide if there is electricity.

Posted by k8thegr8 about 1 year ago

I will bring 2 HgV and 5 blackllighs

Posted by jeff_back almost 1 year ago

We will bring one light setup.

Posted by centex almost 1 year ago

Sounds great. There are a few plugs at the HQ building, but you'll definitely need your extension cords.

Posted by bosqueaaron almost 1 year ago

I have a jackery and a gas powered generator if those are allowed.

Posted by jeff_back 12 months ago

That should be fine.

Posted by bosqueaaron 12 months ago

Unfortunately we’re not going to make it tonight. We’re dealing with a bit of a veterinary emergency with our little dog. Please tag me if there’s ever a chance to go back out here!

Posted by wildcarrot 12 months ago

Absolutely! Hope the little one is ok!

Posted by bosqueaaron 12 months ago

Thanks to everyone who was able to come out! I had a good time even though the mothing was a little slow. I hope to have y'all out again sometime soon!

Posted by bosqueaaron 12 months ago

It's a wonderful spot! I'd love to hang out again in the spring or the fall. =)

Posted by k8thegr8 12 months ago

Looks like an interesting place. Not many moths observed my way but what showed up I considered to be awesome!

Posted by connlindajo 12 months ago

I'm so sad I missed this event and would be excited to get a second chance of getting out there!

Posted by annikaml 12 months ago

Great place with a lot flora and fauna. It was a fun experience and look forward to another opportunity.

Posted by centex 12 months ago

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