2021 03 30 Memorial Park

On March 30th I went out early in the morning before I had to be home for therapy to Memorial park in Shakopee but this time parked at a different nearby park and walked to the other side of Memorial park across the little pond and stream from the main park. I didn't get close enough for a ton of good photos but I did see my first ever Green-winged Teals which I got a short video of and also some Mallard takeoff slow-mos. It was mostly Mallards and Gadwalls with a few Ring-necked ducks and those 4 Green-winged Teals, but seeing even more new birds was definately a cool way to start the day!

On April 2nd I went to Sandhill Crane Nature Viewing Area in East Bethel which I've never been to before and may not go back since there didn't really seem to be many birds there. It was a cool hike through the woods but not really any trails or birds so it's not the greatest place I've ever been. Oh well

https://photos.app.goo.gl/pvSH3LvLQjXQxZzd6 pics
https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-E6rCCErIInR96ei2we91jDWHYHaF05c videos
https://ebird.org/checklist/S84998737 bird nerd
https://ebird.org/checklist/S85371851 bird nerd 2

Posted on September 1, 2022 07:07 AM by earnoodles earnoodles


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