Helpful websites for Wildbee-IDs in Europe with comments // Hilfreiche Webseiten zur Bestimmung von Wildbienen in Europa mit Kommentaren 1. Atlantic

----1. The atlantic islands from north to south-----



Faroe Islands:

The Acores:


Canary Islands:
Bienen, Wespen und Ameisen der Kanarischen Inseln (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Aculeata).
(Book copy, only excerpts):

The Canary Island and Madeira:

If you have more helpful links, or literature recommendations, please send them to me, I will add them after an examination.

Posted on July 11, 2020 07:50 AM by frank007 frank007


Bijen (Apidae s.l.)
Ebmer, A.W., 1969-1674. Die Bienen des Genus Halictus Latr. s. l. im Grossraum von Linz (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Teil I PDF, II PDF, III PDF & IV PDF. - Naturkundliches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz.
Laget D., 2005. Determinatietabel voor de bijengeslachten (genus). PDF (Hommels en langhoornbijen ontbreken)
Smit J., 2004. De wespbijen (Nomada) van Nederland - NFM 20. PDF
Van der Vecht J., 1928. Hymenoptera Anthophila (Q XIIIm) A. Andrena - Fauna van Nederland 4: 1-144. PDF
Nieuwenhuijsen H., Determinatietabel voor de Nederlandse Anthophora-soorten (sachembijen) - Bzzz 26. PDF
Nieuwenhuijsen H. & Raemakers I., Tabel voor de bijen van het genus Hylaeus in Nederland - Bzzz 29. PDF
Smit J., Determinatietabel voor de bijen van het genus Colletes in Nederland (zijdebijen) - Bzzz 30. PDF
Rowson R. & Pavett M., A visual guide for the identification of British Coelioxys bees - BWARS test key. PDF
Stubbs A., 2007 en 2010. Test keys for identifying Andrena, Hylaeus and Nomada - BWARS. PDF
Rasmont P. & Terzo M., 2010. Catalogue et clé des sous-genres et espèces du genre Bombus de Belgique et du nord de la France (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) - version 2011. PDF
Williams P., Find British (Bombus) species by colour pattern - National history museum. Online,135756.msg904222.html#msg904222

Posted by optilete over 4 years ago
Posted by optilete over 4 years ago

@optilete Thank you Marcel for this valuid informations! Waarneming and bwars are very good sources and still in my mind for one the nexts parts, but is new for me. Also the other sources I will check.

Posted by frank007 over 4 years ago
Posted by optilete over 4 years ago

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