February 19, 2016

I went on my bird excursion in Centennial Woods on February 19, 2016 at 9:55 am. The temperature was 25 degrees and it was relatively sunny with a slight breeze.

Upon arriving to the entrance of Centennial Woods, I identified an American Crow flying overhead of me. I first recognized the crow by its distinctive cawing and was able to visualize the bird shortly after. I then walked downhill into the woods, past the locations where I had watched birds on my previous bird trek. I did not come into contact with another bird until I had walked for about 20 minutes. At this point, I heard the call of the White-breasted Nuthatch and shorty after saw the bird flitting up a tree trunk. I watched the bird for a few seconds and then realized that there was a second White-breasted Nuthatch further up the tree. The two birds chased each other around the trunk of the tree as they quietly chirped.

After walking for about 20 more minutes, I came across a group of chickadees. As I approached the banditry, I realized that they were all congregated under a bird feeder. I was surprised at the lack of concern the birds at the feeder seemed to have about my presence. During the time I spent at the feeder, I identified a female Downy Woodpecker, a Tufted Titmouse, and an American Goldfinch, I believe the finch was a females, but I am not entirely positive. The woodpecker alternated between feeding and spending time in trees. Every time the woodpecker returned the American Goldfinch would fly away.

The last birds I identified were again a pair of White-breasted Nuthatches. I saw these birds pecking at a tree as they scurried up and down the trunk,

Posted on February 20, 2016 12:30 AM by kbullock kbullock


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