Second Journal Post

All observations were taken with my iphone 8.

I took pictures of my four observations on different days. My observation of the viburnums was taken on October 12, 2020. It was sunny in the afternoon after the rain in the morning and roughly 61 degrees fahrenheit. My observation of the trichaptum was taken on October 13, 2020. It was cloudy and 66 degrees fahrenheit. The next day, October 14th, 2020, my observation of scarites was taken in sunny and 71 degree fahrenheit weather. My last observation was taken on October 15th, 2020. It was sunny and 50 degrees Fahrenheit when I took a picture of the wolf spider.

I used the same methods for getting a good picture with my camera as I did last week. To repeat those steps: I turned on my phone and went to my camera, zoomed in and out to focus on exactly what I wanted to emphasize, tapped the screen to put it in focus, and snapped a few pictures to get different angles. The wolf spider and scarites were hard to get different angles of because they moved in different directions pretty fast.

To better describe my habitat, I took all of my observations in Mount Vernon, Iowa. It’s fall so a lot of things are dying, but the weather is pretty consistent around 50 and 60 degrees. It’s been 70 degrees a couple days which is pretty surprising for October in Iowa. My pictures were taken on a sidewalk near tall grass, on a tree that was blown over from the derecho a month or two ago, on the soccer benches next to some cut grass, and right by another tree that wasn’t blown over. My habitat is pretty consistent with a couple trees, tall and cut grass, and a nearby sidewalk.

Since the last visit there has been a lot of changes. A lot of leaves have fallen and things are looking brown and dead. This week has been sunny so I was lucky to find a variety of organisms unlike if it was rainy or snowy.

The Scarites beetle was moving a lot and the same for the wolf spider. It made it hard to capture a clear photo. The viburnums looked to be decaying because it had some brown patches on the leaves. The trichaptum looked super interesting. I have never seen a cluster of fungi like this so I was super happy to find them.

To reflect on my experience, I need to be more patient with the fast moving organisms. It’ll be hard next week to find organisms because it is getting significantly colder, but I just have to be patient.

Posted on October 18, 2020 05:30 PM by maddalindoran maddalindoran


Photos / Sounds




October 13, 2020 03:42 PM CDT

Photos / Sounds


Guelder-Rose (Viburnum opulus)




October 12, 2020 06:05 PM CDT

Photos / Sounds




October 14, 2020 12:49 PM CDT

Photos / Sounds


Wolf Spiders and Allies (Superfamily Lycosoidea)




October 15, 2020 03:42 PM CDT


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