November 11th, 2021

This morning at 9:47 AM I observed a Northern Flicker feeding on one of the suets at my bird-feeders. The individual was an adult male, and he was one of the coolest tree-clinging birds I've ever seen. I unfortunately didn't get to photograph it, but I have a mental picture of the bird.

I have also spotted a couple black carpenter ants feeding on a dead bush katydid on my back porch, around 10:00 AM this morning. It's the first time I've seen carpenter ants feeding on a dead insect, usually I see carpenter ants attacking crickets or grasshoppers in my garden.

I am so far enjoying the cooling weather, and I look forward to the snow coming soon. I unfortunately was sick on Monday and Tuesday earlier this week, with a common cold. I am thankfully almost completely recovered and am hopefully getting back out into nature to watch some more birds and other wildlife.

I hope everyone here on Inaturalist is having a great week so far! :)

Posted on November 11, 2021 04:04 PM by matthew883 matthew883


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