The park unfolds...

The park unfolds, a leafy maze,
sunlight dappled through a haze
Of emerald leaves, a canopy,
where branches reach for the wide, blue sea.
A giant oak, a timeless sage,
with gnarled bark whispering tales of age,
acorns dot the path below,
where playful squirrels come and go.
Willows weep in graceful sighs,
their branches brush the butterflies,
a symphony of flitting wings,
a silent dance the willow sings.
A row of maples, bold and bright,
their leaves like flames that burn so light,
a splash of color against the green,
a fleeting glimpse, a vibrant scene.
Each tree unique, a living form,
whispers secrets in the storm,
Rooted deep, a verdant choir,
the park's green heart, forever higher.

Posted on May 22, 2024 10:07 PM by riddhima_das riddhima_das