Film Review

I watched All That Breathes today, and it left a profound impact on me. The documentary follows two brothers, Nadeem and Saud, who run a makeshift bird hospital in New Delhi, India, dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating injured black kites – birds of prey that soar above the city's polluted skies.

All That Breathes is a poetic and immersive exploration of the complex relationship between humans, animals, and the environment in a rapidly urbanizing city. Through stunning cinematography and an intimate portrayal of the brothers' lives, the film captures the harsh realities of Delhi's deteriorating air quality, overflowing landfills, and the consequences of human encroachment on natural habitats.

The brothers' tireless efforts to save the black kites serve as a metaphor for the city's collapsing ecology and deepening social fault lines. Their work is not just about rescuing birds but also about preserving a delicate balance between humans and nature in a world increasingly threatened by environmental degradation and societal tensions.

Despite the grim realities they face, Nadeem and Saud's unwavering dedication to their cause is a testament to the human capacity for compassion and resilience. Their love for the birds and their commitment to making a difference, no matter how small, is both inspiring and humbling.

The film also touches on the brothers' personal struggles, their differing perspectives on life, and the challenges they face as Muslims in a city plagued by religious tensions. Through their story, All That Breathes reminds us of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of treating every living being with kindness and respect.

Overall, this film is a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the human-animal-environment relationship, inviting viewers to reflect on their own role in preserving the delicate balance of life on our planet. I highly recommend you watch it - you can view it in Hindi & English.

Posted on May 27, 2024 04:31 PM by riddhima_das riddhima_das