The Weary Wanderer (me) and the Ladybug

The sun was setting, painting the sky
in hues of amber, rose, and violet dye.
My eyelids heavy, my body weary,
I trudged along the path, dusty and dreary.
Fatigue weighed on me like a leaden cloak,
each step more arduous than the last I took.
I longed for rest, a respite from this plight,
when a tiny speck of red caught my sight.
Upon a leaf, a ladybug so bright,
seemed to glow with its own inner light.
Unfazed by weariness, it crawled with grace,
reminding me of nature's vibrant face.
I paused to watch this miniature wonder,
its delicate legs ambling forth to ponder
The vast expanse before its compound eyes,
a world of green where possibilities lie.
The ladybug's unhurried, steady pace
filled me with calm in that sunlit place.
Though small and fragile, it possessed a spark
that pierced the veil of tiredness, dark.
With renewed vigor, I straightened my stride,
the ladybug's resilience as my guide.
Through fatigue and trials, I'll persevere,
embracing life's marvels, ever-near.
For in that moment, the ladybug's flight
illuminated the path towards daylight.
Weariness may linger, but hope takes wing
when nature's tiny miracles take the stage and sing.

Hello Isa :)

Posted on June 3, 2024 11:53 PM by riddhima_das riddhima_das