Recent 2023 scholarly published article's evidences regarding four global plants names checklists (tertiary sources)

A brief post acknowledging this scholarly publication:
Recent 2023 scholarly published article's evidences regarding four global plants names checklists (tertiary sources).
(As only now i just came across it, being busy outdoors for 3+ months).

Schellenberger Costa, D., Boehnisch, G., Freiberg, M., Govaerts, R., Grenié, M., Hassler, M., Kattge, J., Muellner-Riehl, A.N., Rojas Andrés, B.M., Winter, M., Watson, M., Zizka, A. and Wirth, C. (2023)
The big four of plant taxonomy – a comparison of global checklists of vascular plant names.
New Phytologist .

Regarding the necessity of taxa' authors' names, an important quotation:

But the sheer scale of differences in accepted names linked to taxon names across all lists means that it is unlikely they will be checked in the short term, leaving users with no choice but to acknowledge the idiosyncrasies and potentially test for their effect on name resolution.
Such tests, however, should include botanical author names, but unfortunately, at a time where large global databases as TRY, GBIF, or GIFT make huge amounts of data available to ecologists, there is a tendency to omit author names for simplicity.
This is not only the fault of the users themselves – the majority (76%) of the taxon names submitted to the v.6 of TRY had no author names.
Problems arising through this are well known among taxonomists, but mostly ignored or unknown in other research communities.
Examples include wrong distribution models or animal names ending up in botanical databases.
While only 3–5% of taxon names in the different checklists are homonyms (Fig. 2h), their author names being necessary for correct assignment, we argue increased attention should be paid when submitting data involving taxonomic information to any database.
Especially for homonyms, which have a list dependence of > 0.5, inconsistencies in databases may have a substantial impact on inferences drawn.


Posted on August 15, 2023 10:00 AM by stewartj-54_2014- stewartj-54_2014-


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