Oconoee Bells

Oconoee Bells 3/31/22 - Highlands Biological Station

The river doesn't know
The hemlock still sway
Rhododendron will grow
And this log will decay

The stream doesn't know
That my heart is swollen with pain
It still rolls down the rock
Just like every other day

The hemlock don't care
That I despise this mortal coil
Their objective is to survive
Clinging to the soil

Rhododendron will spread
Once I get out of the way
For only when I die
Will they get to see the sunny day

And I will lie in Oconoee Bells
As the black-bellies climb in my ears
Ans the pebbles'll flow down to Georgia
On the river of my tears

Posted on May 16, 2022 07:22 PM by taylertheking taylertheking


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