After 8 years of searching, I have finally found an Intricate Satyr in my own yard. This is the first in thousands of Satyrs I've seen on my 5 acres! (For added context, my 55min evening species list also included an estimated 145 Carolina Satyrs from about a 3-acre area.) I have been looking here since I started my research on this species complex in summer of 2016.

Postmedian line morphology on this guy is a little funky but the vein M3 bump was present on both sides and no M1 basad bulge was present on either side. It was seen near the south facing, low lying, maritime forest ephemeral wetland habitat where I predicated they might wander into my property. The only thing I have even close to qualifying as a freshwater wetland. However, it was a good 50ft away from that habitat, which is a little strange. Behavior was very typical and good photos were able to be taken from 6in away with a cellphone camera.

It also liked drinking spittlebug exudate, which is a new one on me to see a satyr doing.

Posted on September 5, 2024 11:40 PM by toxmace toxmace


Photos / Sounds


Intricate Satyr (Hermeuptychia intricata)




BREAKING NEWS: After 8 years of searching, the satyr guy has finally found an Intricate Satyr in his own yard. (First in thousands! For context, my 55min species list also included an estimated 145 Carolina Satyrs.)

Postmedian line morphology is a little funky but M3 bump present on both sides and no M1 basad bulge present. It was seen near the habitat where I predicated they might wander into my property and behavior was very typical. Also liked drinking spittlebug exudate.

All photos taken with a cell phone from within 2ft.


That’s amazing!

Posted by wildlife13 about 2 months ago

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