Observation: Eastern gray squirrels


These are some observations from my interaction with a single squirrel that i saw one day, and i left an almond, it came back and ate it and i did not see that. One day it came and started looking at me through glass door. And i went to kitchen, picked an almond and opened the door, the squirrel then got scared and went far on to the balcony railing, at times it even climbs up the house if i make any sounds. It waits for me to put the almond on the floor, then it climbs down to have it.

Intelligent/Can see patterns
Squirrel comes back for treats everyday, so its intelligent

Has long term memory/intelligence
It got used to the treats for a month/1.5month, and I am absent at home for 6weeks.. It came back even after 6 weeks of no treats. It came back on the first week of my presence in the home. So it has longterm memory

This particular squirrel is very shy and it prefers to take the treat and eat beside the balcony door, where i cannot see. Even after many treats, it never allows me anywhere near it. It maintains the same distance as it maintained on the first day.

Adaptive behavioral changes (central park squirrels)
I noticed squirrels in central park are very rowdy and come very close, i believe they understood that visitors are treating a lot, and it changed their behavior.

I noticed this squirrel when it comes to my balcony is peeing and at times saw its droppings on railing. I understand it now. Its marking the territory so other squirrels won't come. I noticed it rub across 2 other corners of the balcony too

Posted on May 31, 2022 02:55 PM by vinaybysani vinaybysani


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