Catocala (Larvae) [partial list]

Catocala abbreviatella - Abbreviated Underwing
Catocala abbreviatella Larvae (RG)

Catocala amestris - Three-staff Underwing
Catocala amestris - Larvae (RG)

Complex Catocala amica (amica/lineella) - Girlfriend and Little Lined Underwings
Complex Catocala amica Larvae (RG)

Catocala antinympha - Sweetfern Underwing Moth
Catocala antinympha Larvae (RG)

Catocala clintoni - Clinton's Underwing
Catocala clintoni Larvae (RG)

Catocala galbanata - Maple Zale Moth
Catocala galbanata Larvae (RG)

Catocala habilis - Habilis Underwing
Catocala habilis Larvae (RG)

Catocala innubens - Betrothed
Catocala innubens Larvae (RG)

Catocala insolabilis - Inconsolable Underwing
Catocala insolabilis Larvae (RG)

Catocala judith - Judith's Underwing
Catocala judith Larvae (RG)

Catocala maestosa - Larvae look similar to Catocala neogama

Either C. maestosa or C. neogama ?

Catocala meskei - Meske's Underwing Moth
Catocal meskei Larvae (RG)

Catocala micronympha - Little Nymph Underwing
Catocala micronympha Larvae (RG)

Catocala minuta - Little Underwing
Catocala minuta Larvae (RG)

Catocala neogama - The Bride
Catocala neogama Larvae (RG)

Catocala nuptialis - Married Underwing
Catocala nuptialis Larvae (RG)

Catocala obscura - Obscure Underwing
Catocala obscura Larvae (RG) (to be added)

Catocala paleogama - Oldwife
Catocala paleogama Larvae (RG)

Catocala piatrix - Penitent Underwing
Catocala piatrix Larvae (RG)

Catocala relicta - White Underwing
Catocala relicta Larvae (RG)

Catocala serena - Serene Underwing
Catocala serena Larvae (RG)

Catocala ultronia - Ultronia Underwing
Catocala ultronia Larvae (RG)

Catocala vidua - Widow
Catocala vidua Larvae (RG)

Catocala whitneyi - Whitney's Underwing
Catocala whitneyi Larvae (RG)

Larvae photos on MPG (26 species)

Larvae photos on BugGuide Starting with unsorted and then with sorted

Information link - 101 - 110 species of Catocala in North America north of Mexico.

Catocala - Ventral views

(The link below is for my use -- refers to this entire page and includes the coding for pasting the link for the entire page when in Edit mode.)

Catocala Larvae (RG)

Work in progress...

Posted on August 31, 2024 03:19 AM by woolcarderbee woolcarderbee


Maybe it would be worth adding links to the observations in the species groups we are adding, and also a link of the Ventral View field observations? Not sure if that fits in with your purpose for this page. Awesome that you are collecting all this information in one spot. Thank you!!

Posted by mossman13 14 days ago

Sounds like a good idea about the ventral views. I think for now I'll keep all the Catocala info on one page but if this starts getting too long, I'll probably break the links down into smaller sections for ease of making single links for posting.

Posted by woolcarderbee 14 days ago

Made a separate page for Catocala maestosa but will also leave the info on this page for now.

Will have to review my html coding as some things aren't working as planned.

Posted by woolcarderbee 14 days ago
Posted by woolcarderbee 14 days ago

Cool! Are you adding links to other species as you have time? There are a variety of other species that could be added with RG photos as well. Let me know if you want a list of ones I think would be good to start with.

Posted by mossman13 10 days ago

Yes. Let me know which ones should have priority and I'll add them as I have time.

Posted by woolcarderbee 10 days ago

nuptialis, abbreviatella, whitneyi, amestris should all be good (I have a lot of reared examples of abbreviatella and amestris to add at some point if that impacts what you add).

Some that I have images and reared images of but haven't gone through the pool of other images yet: serena, amica (amica/lineella), obscura, judith, insolabilis, habilis, antinympha, minuta, meskei, micronympha

Posted by mossman13 10 days ago

Suggested species have been added.

Posted by woolcarderbee 9 days ago

I wonder if there is a way to collect a link of reared examples here under the RG link for each species? I don't know the best way to do that, if we found a way it would probably add a lot of good photos that would augment the RG observations, and lots of the reared photos (like almost all of mine) won't show up in the RG link if they have been marked captive... Not sure the best way to filter for that, because if you only do the 'captive' filter then you miss any observation the observer took in the development series initially when the larva/organism was still wild. I guess you could filter by that one Reared Insect Nymphs/Larva project? But that would mean the observer would have had to add their observations to that project. Hmmm...

Posted by mossman13 9 days ago

I have been adding observations of reared caterpillars and other insects as I come across them. Anyone can add examples of anything in the taxon Pterygota as long as there is either a link to the adult or the adult has been included along with the immature egg, larvae, and/or pupa.

So far this is what shows up for Catocala on
Reared or bred insect larvae-nymphs

As long as one of the photos in your group is not marked "Casual", the entire series can viewed if one knows to click on the Observation group link.

Posted by woolcarderbee 9 days ago

There are some other links I would like to add. Specifically some which show examples of what to photograph for best chances of getting an ID. Ex., Top, side, venter, head, host plant if available or at least a mention of what was nearby. Any other thoughts?

Posted by woolcarderbee 7 days ago

For head, I would make it clear that we are wanting to see the whole head face-on to get the lower portions of the head (which are often not visible from above). Otherwise that sounds good. Will think about anything else and let you know.

Posted by mossman13 7 days ago

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