Jim Moore (Maryland)

Joined: Aug 24, 2019 Last Active: Jul 4, 2024 iNaturalist

I am a contributing editor for the Maryland Biodiversity Project (https://www.marylandbiodiversity.com/index.php) and a member of the board of directors of the Maryland Ornithological Society.

My backgound is in birding--both locally and globally, but I am focusing more on other wildlife in recent years, especially arthropods. With respect to IDing arthropods, I am most knowledgeable regarding those of the mid-atlantic region of the U.S. I'm interested in most arthropods, but particularly fond of flies, jumping spiders, aquatic insects, springtails, beetles, and anything obscure such as fungus weevils or tiny parasitic wasps. And of course the charismatic megafauna of the insect world – butterflies and odonates – are always cool to encounter.

I don't post all my photo observations here, but my Flickr page contains many of my other photos of note: https://www.flickr.com/photos/35716495@N08/albums

I also have a doctorate in philosophy and law degree, but those doesn't directly assist with iNatting :-)

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