
Joined: Sep 21, 2017 Last Active: Sep 15, 2024 iNaturalist NZ

Dr. Richard C. Willan
Curator Emeritus of Molluscs at Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory

Dr. Willan's research deals with the names (nomenclature), relationships (taxonomy) and evolutionary lineages (phylogeny) of nudibranchs (and other sea slugs - like bubble snails, sea hares, sap suckers and side-gilled sea slugs). He has published four books and numerous scientific papers on nudibranchs. His latest book is "Undersea Jewels: A Colour Guide to Nudibranchs" with Gary Cobb. He has prepared several applications on the names of nudibranchs to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. He has supervised several postgraduate students working on research projects associated with nudibranchs.

Dr Willan's email address can be found on the website of the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) and he will happily provide answers to queries relating to identifications through email, but not directly on iNaturalist.

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