José Manuel Álvarez Guerrero

Joined: Mar 25, 2018 Last Active: Sep 30, 2024

Based in Kent, Washington.

Lifelong naturalist with a special interest in botany, horticulture, taxonomy, evolutionary biology, conchology and herpetology.

All of the above is essentially pastimes, I be working blue collar jobs with no college education. Oop

Admin of many Facebook plant forums and active member of many more.

Active member of local plant clubs and societies in the Seattle area.

Dedicated to native plant propagation, education and advocacy. As well as ex situ conservation of exotic species.

Grew up in and south of Aguascalientes City, Aguascalientes State, Mexico. Favorite groups of plants include Crassulaceae, Montiaceae, Cactaceae, Luzula, Grindelia, Heuchera, Micranthes, Eriogonum and Asphodelaceae.
Find me on Instagram as @nettleman_, on Twitter as @astrophytum_6 and Reddit + TikTok as @Opuntia_Fragilis

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