Participating in the CRD’s Biodiversity Challenge with Kids

The Biodiversity Challenge is a family-friendly activity suited to nature lovers of all ages. Here are some tips to help maximize the fun and learning for young naturalists.

  1. Choose a location.
    Start with a familiar place where you and your family are comfortable. If you know where entrances points are, have an idea of where paths and trails lead and where the washrooms are, and you will be able to relax and focus a bit more on enjoying the outdoors.

  2. Pack your gear.
    To participate in the challenge you will need photographs. Make sure your phone or camera battery is charged. If you only have one camera to share, consider bringing binoculars, a magnifying glass, journals or note books or an ID guide so everyone feels involved. Take turns using the different pieces of equipment.

  3. Dress for the weather.
    No one is happy when uncomfortable. Check the weather before you go and be sure to bring hats, sunscreen, boots or raincoats depending on conditions.

  4. Make it fun!
    Depending on how old your children are and their excitement for the challenge, here are a few ideas to keep them engaged:
    • Make it into a scavenger hunt (e.g. Find a flower, a tree, a bird, a mammal, a bug, a bush, something in your favorite colour, etc.)
    • Play “I Spy” and use those as your observations (e.g. I spy… something pink, something in bloom, something prickly, something tall, something flying, something singing a song, etc.)
    • Take the time to pause and explore your finds: If you find a slug - watch it crawl across the ground. Can you see its eyes on the eyestalks? Is it leaving a slime trail? If you see a duck - watch it swim, dive or preen – what do you think it’s doing? For trees – feel the bark and leaves. Do they feel the same as other trees? Can you see any insects or bees around the flowers? Does the flower have a pattern when you look close? Mimic the sounds or action of what you find. Stand tall like a tree, hop along the trail like a frog, buzz and flap your arms like a bee.

Even if you don’t end up with great photos or only have one observation to upload – that’s okay. The whole point is to take the time to notice the amazing diversity of life around us. You can still log on and see what others photographed and compare to what you saw on your outing or see every day.

Posted on May 18, 2021 07:56 PM by capital_regional_district capital_regional_district


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