Black Swallow-Wort is Rampant

You all probably know about Black Swallow-Wort (BSW) but I didn't until this year. I have been told by some that it is invasive target #1 in Massachusetts, because it kills butterflies wherever it goes, whereas most other invasive species just crowd the native flora out and reduce their habitat. I have been pulling BSW from people's privets, and from the tree-lines in Robbins Farm Park and Wellington Park, and passing out flyers, since I can't do all that much myself.

Please help me spread the word! I added links to the flyer below, but feel free to use your own words. Our town loves butterflies, evidenced by all of the milkweed patches in people's gardens, and I'm sure people will be eager to help if they know how bad BSW is for the monarchs.

The project admins, @ecrow and I, are working on organizing projects in Hill's Hill (BSW, garlic mustard, and Asiatic bittersweet) and Wellington Park (just BSW and garlic mustard -- we don't want to destabilize the stream bank) so stay tuned for updates and opportunities to get involved in the next few weeks. We are also recruiting for other admins, so send me a message if you want in.

Additional Resources:

BSW Flyer:
Printable Version:

Posted on June 24, 2021 02:50 PM by efputzig efputzig


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