NSW NPWS in collaboration with Wildlife Heroes are delivering a series of webinars for the volunteer wildlife rehabilitation sector across various topics on wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and wildlife health, providing an opportunity for volunteer wildlife rehabilitators to connect with professionals in the field and an update on developments and current best practice in wildlife health.
Dr Scott Carver is Assoc Prof in wildlife ecology, Department of Biological Sciences, Uni of Tas. His research focuses on the ecology and health of bare-nosed wombats. In this webinar, Dr Carver will provide an overview of bare-nosed wombat ecology, with focus on their biology relevant to rescue, rehabilitation, and release. He will emphasise topics related to wombat maternal care, movement, and foraging behaviours.
Book here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ecology-of-bare-nosed-wombats-tickets-413977336357?utm_source=eventbrite&utm_medium=email&utm_content=follow_notification&utm_campaign=following_published_event&utm_term=Ecology+of+bare-nosed+wombats&aff=ebemoffollowpublishemail
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