Project growing

Project has recently gathered many new members, adding plenty of observations well representing varied nature enhabiting and interacting human modified environment. Thanks all!
Posted on March 5, 2022 06:34 PM by kaupunkilinnut kaupunkilinnut


This project deserves to succeed. It's such a fascinating area and not given the thought it deserves. I hope it continues to become more and more valuable as more observations are added to the data pool.

Posted by ionam over 2 years ago


I have been curious about a project for feces/scat that contains plastics and human trash. There aren't enough observations of that to have its own project. Would those sorts of observations fit into this project?

Posted by ipomopsis almost 2 years ago

I was unable to find that project, but by description they fit very well in this project, but as this project is very general such more specific project itself is still useful.

Posted by kaupunkilinnut almost 2 years ago

There isn't a project for feces with human trash in it. I think I am the only one that observes that.
I just added a few of those observations to this project. Thanks

Posted by ipomopsis almost 2 years ago

Good findings. I think you can safely create such project yourself and see if other people find them too. You're welcome to add them also to "Built Environment". This project would be interested in them too

Posted by kaupunkilinnut almost 2 years ago

Based on your support I finally created the project.

Posted by ipomopsis almost 2 years ago

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