Bumblebees of Japan/日本のマルハナバチ's Journal

February 13, 2024

Bumblebees of Japan - sample list (2024)

Subgenus Bombus
B. cryptarum var. florilegus
B. hypocrita (ssp. hypocrita and ssp. sapporoensis)
B. ignitus
B. terrestris

Subgenus Megabombus
B. consobrinus (var. yezoensis and other)
B. diversus (ssp. diversus and ssp. tersatus)
B. ussurensis

Subgenus Psithyrus
B. norvegicus ssp. japonicus

Subgenus Pyrobombus
B. ardens (ssp. ardens, ssp. sakagamii and ssp. tsushimanus)
B. beaticola (ssp. beaticola, ssp. moshkarareppus and ssp. shikotanensis)
B. koropokkrus

Subgenus Thoracobombus
B. deuteronymus (ssp. deuteronymus and ssp. maruhanabachi)
B. honshuensis (ssp. honshuensis and ssp. tkalcui)
B. pseudobaicalensis
B. schrencki (ssp. albidopleuralis, ssp. konakovi and ssp. kuwayamai)

Posted on February 13, 2024 03:04 PM by sibhedgehog sibhedgehog | 0 comments | Leave a comment
