Bioblitz Focus Areas

For anyone unfamiliar Chester's public lands, the five sites listed below offer habitat diversity well-suited for bioblitzing. Reference maps will be available at bioblitz headquarters, located at 96 Towle Road, from 8am to 4pm on Saturday.

Spring Hill Farm (Towle Road)
Parking: 42.975136, -71.213780
On the east side of Towle Road, two loop trails access multiple forested wetlands, shrub wetlands, an open-water pond, Towle Brook, a cattail marsh, meadows, and a mix of hardwood and softwood upland forests. On the west side of Towle Road, a woods road provides access to pastureland, a large hayfield, and maturing woodlands that contain a vernal pool and several mature red oak trees. Combined, these parcels add up to about 150 acres.
Aerial map:

Wason Pond
Parking: 42.981902, -71.218714
Located on the north side of Route 102 (Raymond Road), this well-loved community park features just over 100 acres of forests, wetlands, and ponds. Several miles of maintained trails weave through the property, and provide access to most habitats.
Aerial map:

Spring Hill Farm (Lane Road)
Parking – west parcel: 42.999402, -71.264938 (roadside parking)
Parking – east parcel: 42.998790, -71.260228
Combined, these two parcels north of Lane Road span some 64 acres of conservation land. Habitats include hardwood forest, meadow, open water, shrub wetland, and a stream. The west parcel has a single out-and-back trail, whereas the east parcel has several connected meadows that make for easy walking.
Aerial map:

North Woods
Parking: 42.998790, -71.260228 (roadside parking)
Split into two contiguous sections, the Town-owned North Woods property is accessible by walking in on one of two Class IV roads, Norton Road and Ledge Road, both of which are accessible on the south side of Lane Road. Roadside parking is best at the northern end of Norton Road, just be sure not to block the entrance. Habitats include large stands of hemlock-hardwood-pine forests, Appalachian oak-pine forest, numerous vernal pools, several streams, and wetlands of all types.
Aerial map:

Bridle Path Road
Parking: 42.944239, -71.280374 (do not block gate)
This 1-mile gravel road offers access to several wetlands, dry upland forests, and a powerline right-of-way with shrubland habitat. Please stay on the road to respect private property on either side.
Aerial map:

Posted on May 30, 2024 11:19 PM by slamonde slamonde


Are you accepting data from anywhere in Chester or just from these five sites? I was thinking about some other smaller spots within Chester's boundaries where there might be wildflowers, birds, and insects. I plan to do some posting both Saturday and Sunday and will attempt to do some identifications as well.

Posted by lshepstew 3 months ago

Yes, thank you for asking! All observations from within Chester will contribute to the bioblitz, as well as the broader Chester Biodiversity Project:

Posted by slamonde 3 months ago

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