Calling all identifiers!

The collecting phase for the City Nature Challenge ended at midnight, but we've still got a lot of work to do.

One of the most important metrics for the CNC is how many of the observations move to "research-grade," which means two or more identifiers must agree on the identification of the organism. This is where we really need your help! If you click on the link below, it will take you to the list of observations on our project that still need IDs. If you are more familiar with one group of organisms than others, you can use the filter button to narrow down. As more of the unknowns and organisms only identified to phylum/family/genus are identified to the species level, our species count will increase! Whatever our stats are on Monday, May 6 at 9am EST are considered our final stats for this project, so we've got just shy of a week to ID all these amazing organisms we've discovered.

Also: you can continue uploading observations you made during the challenge phase (April 26-29), but we hope you can do that ASAP so identifiers have as much time as possible to check IDs.

Please join me in thanking all the observers and identifiers that are showing just how invested the Pittsburgh region is in inventorying its biodiversity. I've taken a look at some of the other city projects, and it's really impressive how well our identifiers are keeping up with the observation uploads - you all are amazing.

Thanks again, everyone! And if you have any questions please feel free to leave them in a comment.

Posted on April 30, 2019 01:53 PM by mandi-lyon mandi-lyon


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