Well done Cape Town!

At present (9am SAST) the 2020 City Nature Challenge is over except for Hawaii.
The scoreboard at present is:

  1. Cape Town 31.1k
  2. San Franscisco 28.5k
  3. Houston-Galvaston 24.7k


  1. Houston-Galveston 2,764
    2 San Francisco 2,595

  2. Cape Town 2,548
  3. Dallas/Fort Worth 2,231


  1. San Francisco 2,357
  2. Los Angeles 1,495
  3. Washington 1,444 (Cape Town #7: 997)

So very well done all. We posted a formidable target. And even though we were not allowed to leave our homes except for emergencies and shopping, we have recorded a formidable base of species in our gardens and streets across the city.

Time to start identifying! Are you willing and able to help?
Then please look at the following 2 minute turtorial of the Identification tool. https://vimeo.com/246153496

What needs to be done?
To get started, look at the tutorial and click this link

  1. Our first step is to process all observations without any identification at all. The aim is to post them to where our experts can get started working on them.
    So please post to: Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Lichens, Fungi. Insects & Spiders. BUT PLEASE, do not make an ID of Plants. Leave the plants for those who can recognize the different plant families as our experts work at family level. So if you recognize a Daisy, or Pea, or Grass, or Protea, or Orchid: that is cool make the IDs. Otherwise leave them unidentified.

  2. NOTE: if we all go to this page, then we will all be doing the same thing. So notice in the url (the blue link) that it says "page 5" - please retype the "5" with a number of your choice (below 50) and click the "enter" key. You will then unlikely to be duplicating someone else's IDs.

That is our task for today. Reduce the unknowns and get IDs ready for the experts, specialists and dedicated Capetonians.

1!. if you still have observations to upload, please make that your top priority
2!. If you are an expert in a group, then please feel free to type in your group in the "species" box of the identify page, and start working on those immediately. We will refine the url tomorrow, but today it is a matter of checking the IDs that have been made during the rush and excitement of uploading - and checking that American names have not been incorrectly given to our plants and animals by the AI.

Good luck.
Tomorrow at 11am, we will have a webinar for those with problems or issues. More details later.
Otherwise please feel free to ask questions below.

Posted on April 28, 2020 08:40 AM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo



Please remember to "FAVE" any observations that are outstanding.

Also add the Project "Nomination for Observation of the Month" so that we can determine the five best observations.

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Situation 23:00 on Tuesday:

Research Grade: 6,882 (21%)
Needs ID: 16,506 (51%) incl. 1,357 with no ID (4%)
Casual: 9,014 (28%)

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Hi! I'm not local by any stretch of the word, but I would like to help sort your unknowns. Is that fine? I have a question regarding ferns. Do you want them in class Polypodiopsida, or should I leave them alone since I do not know their families?

Posted by arboretum_amy over 4 years ago

Ferns is perfect: Fern experts work across the board. Ditto Mosses and Liverworts.
Thanks a million!! enjoy!

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Wednesday 9:30

Top Priority:
No ID: 4,990 observations (15%) OUR TARGET FOR THE DAY :: to less than 5%

Research Grade: 7,025 (21%)
Needs ID: 16,411 (50%) incl. 3,778 with no ID (12%)
Casual: 9,128 (28%)

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Wednesday 22:15

Top Priority:
No ID: 3,709 observations (11%) OUR TARGET FOR THE DAY :: to less than 5%

Research Grade: 7,695 (23%)
Needs ID: 15,769 (48%) incl. 2,769 with no ID (8%)
Casual: 9,543 (29%)

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Thursday 10:30
No ID: 2862 observations (8%) - OUR TARGET FOR THE DAY :: to less than 5%

Research Grade 7,808 - 23%
Needs ID 15,656 – 47% (includes No IDs)
Casual 9,778 29%


some No ID don’t have pictures – so will always be No ID
some observations (esp. goggos) can only be ID to Family or Genus, so will always be Needs ID even if perfect photos.

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

No ID is down to under 5%. Still have 54 pages but that's not bad--it was 182 when I first popped in two days ago.

Posted by arboretum_amy over 4 years ago

Dont forget to mark pages as reviewed when you finish your 30 observations: otherwise your list wont get any smaller. For instance, although I am seeing the same 54 pages, I am down to 25 pages still to review. So sometime tonite I will finish all that I can do, and move on the the specialist tasks.
Remember please; ** never ID to "Plants or Dicots" unless it is dreadful, and ** only mark planted when it is research grade.

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Thursday 22:00
No ID: 644 observations (2%) - OUR TARGET FOR THE DAY :: to less than 5%

Research Grade 8,195 - 24%
Needs ID 15,115 – 45% (includes No IDs)
Casual 10,233 - 31%

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Saturday 8:00
No ID: 431 observations (1.3%)

Research Grade 9,467 - 28%
Needs ID 13,399 – 40% (includes No IDs) OUR TARGET FOR THE DAY :: to less than 33%
Casual 10,980 - 32%

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

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