More stands of flame tree discovered deeper in forest

From the forest below Gahnia Grove, moving (North?) towards the major Flame tree stand through the forest, several multi-trunk stands were observed. The further they are from the original planted specimen on the ridge, the smaller the trunks. One trunk was only about 6cmD.

The total number of standing trunks observed is about 30, in 7 discrete stands.

Also seen were numerous low-lying branches in contact with the ground and/or in deep tradescantia, and much fallen wood in various stages of decay.

The base of some of the trunks was visible as suckering. In one case it appeared the trunks had arisen from a length of wood about .4m long and 10cmD. It may have been a raised section of root, but it appeared to be horizontal at one end, as if a broken branch.

Posted on July 14, 2018 11:53 AM by kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch


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