

It is the little things that matter

The conservation of pollinators underscores broader ethical considerations regarding humanity's connection with nature. Pollinators are sentient beings capable of experiencing pleasure, pain, and suffering and, they merit ethical regard and empathetic care. Prioritizing pollinator conservation upholds environmental ethics, fosters reverence for non-human existence, and nurtures a balanced coexistence between humans and the wider ecosystem.

When valuing the intrinsic significance of the natural world, conserving pollinators becomes imperative for biodiversity, ecosystem integrity, and acknowledging the interconnectedness of species. Acknowledging the deep value of pollinator species and their ecological functions enhances our understanding of the planet's beauty, intricacy, and variety, motivating a shared dedication to safeguard and preserve the environment for generations to ...more ↓

Posted on May 16, 2024 09:04 PM by bobmcd bobmcd | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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Using human-powered transport from one's primary residence to arrive at and record an observation is the purpose of this Project. This could mean just stepping out of your door and recordings things in your neighborhood, or this could be the result of a 10-day bike ride. The forms of human-powered transport include, but are not limited to, walking, running, swimming, skating, skiing, sailing, ...more ↓

bobmcd created this project on December 23, 2019
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