ID Week

First, thanks to everyone who joined the project and made the first ever FOTFP Cook County Nature Scavenger Hunt a success. So far, we have more than 350 observations in the project, but that number will definitely grow during the next week.

While there are no more species being announced for the contest, we have another week for observations to potentially get identified and included in the final scores. I'll be going through people's observations and helping to ID what ever I can (with fairness in mind and without influencing the results of the contest).

Stay tuned for next week when we'll announce the winners of the contest.

Posted on March 24, 2021 12:12 AM by dziomber dziomber


I made some observations yesterday, thinking they would count since it was within seven days of your last announcement. But sadly my awesome chipmunk and blue jay don't seem to have made the cut. 😥

Posted by maureenclare over 3 years ago

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