Eight months sees a jump to 450 unique species

In no small part to @billmoore and his interest in cataloging insects and plants, we have seen a huge uptick in distinct species. We've also seen a large increase in overall LF nature observations, we are well over 1000 now. That's enough that we are starting to be able to easily know what people will likely see as they enter the trail, and I might have to build some guide lists ("5 most common flowers on the LF trail"). As a researcher I know that what we observe may not map to the actual distribution of what life is present, but a huge part of iNat for me is helping beginners get oriented. If we can give someone a list of five things they are guaranteed to observe on any walk, they may start to see the forest as a collection of old friends :-)

There are far too many new species for me to make a good pick as to what is unique, but I see we have now identified almost all major flowering plants at LF. We obviously have a looong way to go for insects. A few new species of frog were identified, and I was lucky to spot our first recorded bat.

Thanks to everyone for their observations and interest in nature :-)

Posted on April 21, 2021 06:26 PM by hamiltonturner hamiltonturner


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