Bulletin Board for July

Hi everyone! This will be our bulletin board space for the month of July. If you would like to communicate something to the group this is the space. Topics can include general questions, report back on any interesting resources for the group, and leave a quick note that you will be out in the field, etc.

Posted on July 7, 2021 02:30 AM by ten_salamanders ten_salamanders


Hi All! I'll be out today on Mount Tam checking sectors between Mountain Theatre and Serpentine Knoll. Hoping everyone is having a great weekend!

Posted by ocean_beach_goth about 3 years ago

Hope you had a good time out there! It's so great to see the observations coming in.
Here are the updated Survey123 links:
MMM Site Photos: https://arcg.is/1ziCPW
MMM Negative Occurrence Report: https://arcg.is/0qj1rf

Posted by ten_salamanders about 3 years ago

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