
I decided to listen to Barred owls the last few nights. They always seem to be calling around 11-12 pm. They make me think about people that stay up late and have parties because they are always making such a ruckus. I tried to get a photo of them but they flew away. I learned that right now is their breeding season so they could already have a nest or be later couple that is just courting. It is usually colder outside at night, around 40 degrees which makes me wonder if they like colder weather but then I have sometimes heard them occasionally call in the afternoon. It was quite peaceful listening to them however and it had been worth staying up.

Posted on May 4, 2020 02:52 PM by jobird jobird


I love sitting and listening to the birds, and trying to figure out which bird is making which sound. How wonderful that you get to hear Barred owls at your house, that definitely seems worth staying up late to listen to!

Posted by danivaill over 4 years ago

There are several mourning doves around our place, and I've been struck how much they sound like owls. Or so I thought. Audubon provides this comparison of owl and mourning dove calls: https://www.audubon.org/news/no-thats-not-owl-outside-your-window.
The only owl that sounds remotely the same is the Great Horned Owl, however it is a much deeper tone.
And, as the article points out, if it's right next to your house or daytime...probably not an owl.

Posted by belled over 4 years ago

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