
The majority of our Arthropods were, not surprisingly, insects (82 species). However, we did get several species of arachnids (5), millipedes (2) and crayfish (2) as well. Not all were able to be identified to species in the field, so they are listed as specific as possible. Thank you to all contributors, with a special thanks to Terence Schiefer for conducting a butterfly survey and to graduate students Madalyn Stoecker and Craig Sklarczyk who generated lists from public insect collections. (Insects are not organized taxonomically, but alphabetically by order.)

Georgia Wolf Spider
Fishing Spider
Orchard Orbweaver
Lone Star Tick
Harvestmen sp.

Crested Millipede sp.
American Giant Millipede Complex

Sharpnose Crayfish
Red Swamp Crayfish

Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach
Soldier beetle sp.
Carabid beetle sp.
Zebra Longhorn Beetle
Spotted cucumber beetle
Pink spotted lady beetle
Flower Weevil sp.
Fringed Diving Beetle
Eastern Eyed Click Beetle
Typical Fireflies sp.
Snappy Single Sync
Net-winged Beetles sp.
False Blister Beetle
Horned Passalus Beetle
June bug ap.
Rove Beetle sp.
false mealworm beetle
Darkling Beetle sp.
Polished lady beetle
Midge sp.
Limoniid Crane Fly sp.
True Horse Flies sp.
Striped Deer Fly
Cranefly sp.
Two-lined spittlebug
Leafhopper sp.
Water Boatmen sp.
Waterscorpions sp.
Florida Predatory Stinkbug
Stinkbug sp.
Brown-belted Bumble Bee
Common eastern bumblebee
Southern Carpenter Bee
Carpenter ant sp.
Leafcutter bee sp.
Velvet ant sp.
Spider wasp sp.
Sawflies so,
Virginian Tiger Moth
Hoary Edge
Silver-Spotted Skipper
Horace's Duskywing
Clouded Skipper
Southern Broken Dash
Southern Cloudywing
Northern Cloudywing
Spring Azure
Eastern Tailed-Blue
Cutworms and Dart Moths sp.
Moth - Noctuoidea
Goatweed Leafwing
Common Buckeye
Southern Pearly-Eye
Little Wood-Satyr
Pearl Crescent
Question Mark
Red Admiral
American Lady
Pipevine Swallowtail
Zebra Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Barred Sulphur
Cloudless Sulphur
Imperial Moth
Flannel, Slug Caterpillar, Leaf Skeletonizer, and Allied Moths
Fishfly sp.
Green Lacewing sp.
Eastern forktail
Lancet Clubtail
Halloween Pennant
Eastern Pondhawk
King Skimmers sp.
Royal River Cruiser
Cattail toothpick grasshopper
Cricket sp.
Pygmy grasshopper
Katydid sp.
Stonefly sp.
Zebra caddisfly

Posted on November 3, 2022 03:55 PM by cricketfrog13 cricketfrog13


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