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March 2021 Update!

Hello Everyone,

Well, the good news is that salamander chytrid fungus still has not (yet) been confirmed in the United States. But now, it’s more important than ever that you keep your eyes and ears to the ground to help make sure it stays this way. Over 100 new dead salamander records have been added to this project over the past year, and a few rapid response disease surveys were performed by local authorities, thanks to you!

Salamanders are beginning to wake up in big numbers again now, and it’s so important that you help me share this project and remind people to report any animals that look sick or dead to this project page (everything except for roadkill or obvious predation by other animals).

Here’s a new short video to help explain this project. If you could watch and share it, this would be a big help for me:

Also, please remember that this ...more ↓

Posted on March 9, 2021 02:28 PM by jonathan_kolby jonathan_kolby | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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A new salamander disease is spreading around the world and we need your help to find out where it's going! If you find a dead or sick salamander in the wild, please take pictures and upload them to this project as soon as possible. If you cannot identify the animals because they are too long dead, these are still important records, so please still take pictures and upload! If your salamander ...more ↓

jonathan_kolby created this project on August 16, 2015
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